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Campus Resources for Faculty

We’ve curated a list of offices, programs, and opportunities offered by Northwestern University which support and recognize instructors.

Affordable Instructional Resources (AIR)

AIR is a network of Northwestern faculty and staff interested in reducing the course material costs in order to create more inclusive and accessible learning environments.

Alumnae of Northwestern University Award for Curriculum Innovation

The Alumnae of Northwestern University Award for Curriculum Innovation supports faculty innovations that enhance the undergraduate curriculum such as new courses, new course materials or components for existing courses, and/or new approaches to instruction.

The Canvas Hall of Fame

The Canvas Hall of Fame was created to honor instructors who went above and beyond to create engaging learning experiences for their students using the Canvas Learning Management System and are awarded at TeachX. Nominations for the Canvas Hall of Fame come entirely from students in one of three categories:

  • Most Innovative Course Site: This award is given to the instructor who best exhibited an innovative approach to the delivery of their course on Canvas. This open category allows students to identify what they find innovative in Canvas.
  • Best Use of Lecture Videos/Recordings: This award recognizes faculty who use Zoom or Panopto to deliver or supplement lecture content in an engaging and, where possible, interactive way.
  • Excellence in DEI/Accessibility: This award honors faculty who have successfully integrated the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility into their Canvas site.

Daniel I. Linzer Award for Faculty Excellence in Diversity and Equity

The Daniel I. Linzer Award for Faculty Excellence in Diversity and Equity celebrates exemplar individuals or groups who work collaboratively to build a more diverse, inclusive and equitable climate at Northwestern University.

Harris Lecture Fund

The N. W. Harris Lecture Fund was established as a gift from Norman W. Harris in 1906 to provide "for the establishment and maintenance of a course of lectures." Mr. Harris designed the fund to bring "scholarly investigation covering the whole field of human knowledge" to the "students and friends of Northwestern" and by extension to the world. Most recently, the Harris Fund has sponsored the Alice Kaplan Institute for Humanities’ annual Distinguished Harris Lecture.

Open Educational Resources (OER)

OER are teaching materials that are free, distributed online, and allow anyone to copy, use, and adapt at no cost. Some examples of OER include textbooks, websites, presentations, syllabi, and lesson plans.

Open Educational Resources (OER) Faculty Grant 

As part of the Affordable Instructional Resources (AIR) initiative and funded by the Office of the Provost and University Libraries, these grants support faculty wishing to develop OER for undergraduate courses. Grants are intended to fund the work involved in finding, creating, using, and sharing OER as replacements for required commercial textbooks. No experience with OER is necessary to apply.

Shujaa Award

Shujaa is a Swahili word that means "courageous" or “brave.” The Women's Center annually bestows the Shujaa Award, which honors a member of Northwestern staff whose service to the work of gender justice, equity, and inclusion demonstrates courage, tenacity, and an ethic of care.

Title IX

Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in all university programs and activities, including, but not limited to, admissions, recruiting, financial aid, academic programs, student services, counseling and guidance, discipline, class assignment, grading, recreation, athletics, housing, and employment. Sexual harassment and sexual violence are forms of sex discrimination prohibited, as is retaliation against people for making or participating in complaints of sex discrimination.

University Teaching Awards

Each year, the University Teaching Awards are conferred to individual faculty members through the Office of the Provost. These exemplary faculty demonstrate excellence in undergraduate classroom teaching and represent innovative curricular leadership across the University. University Teaching Award recipients come from across all six Evanston undergraduate schools and NU-Qatar. It is an opportunity to celebrate faculty’s considerable contributions to student learning.