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Focus Areas

Explore the future of learning & teaching.

Staying at the forefront of emerging trends in learning and teaching, we have identified six interconnected areas of focus as top priorities.

Choose a Focus Area to Explore

One purple circle titled pedagogy with five multi-colored circles overlapping behind it demonstrating the interconnectivity of the Searle Center's six focus areas.We organize our work at the Searle Center through six interconnected focus areas. These areas reflect our priorities in supporting instructors at all stages of their careers, as well as our commitment to being at the forefront of emerging trends in learning and teaching. We place pedagogy at the center of all our work.

Each focus area page provides an overview and a curated selection of books, resources, guides, and programming relevant to the focus area. Additionally, our programs and Learning & Teaching Guides are searchable by focus area to quickly identify offerings and resources related to your interests.