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Our Research

Since its founding, the Center has substantially grown in breadth and reach, with meaningful contributions nationally and internationally to the literature on topics that impact teachers and students in higher education. This list showcases some examples that are reflective of our past and current research.

The Latest


Eskew, L.R. (2025). How to Use Copilot and ChatGPT to Create Rubrics. Teaching Repository of AI-Infused Learning, 7.

Eskew, L. R., & Sandoval-Lee, E. Y. (2025). Data-Driven Collaboratives: Enhancing Career-Spanning Faculty Development Through a University Practicum. The Journal of Faculty Development39(1), 112–114.


Busch, C. A., Nadile, E. M., Mohammed, T. F., Gin, L. E., Brownell, S. E., & Cooper, K. M. (2024). The scientific rules, roles, and values that life sciences doctoral students want to see upheld by undergraduate researchers. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.

Dickens, D., Cabirou L., Womack, V.Y., Farmer, M., Johnson, N. (2024). The relationship between gendered racism and binge eating symptoms among young adult U.S. Black Women: Identity shifting as a mediator. Eating Behaviors.

Eskew, L. & Dietz, L. (2024). The SEARLE assessment framework and strategy [Conference presentation]. International Conference Assessing Quality in Higher Education, Berlin, Germany. 

Flom-Derrick K., Nadile E. M., Pierson K. Building the Ship as it Sails: Navigating Changes in CTLs [Conference presentation]. Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network conference. Pittsburgh, PA.

Guittar, M., Keys, J., & Sandoval-Lee, E. Y. (2024). A University-Wide Practicum on Reimagining Assessment for Instructors: Collaborations and Constraints [Conference presentation]. The Grading Conference - Higher Ed Focus.

Karpenko, L. & Dietz L., Editors (2024) Journal of Undergraduate Research in the Humanities, Issue 1.

Nadile, E. M., Vaughan, G., Wernick, N.L.B (2024) 86 (8). Changes in Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Efficacy: How This Can Differentially Impact Academic Success in First-Year Introductory Biology StudentsAmerican Biology Teacher.

Womack, V.Y. (2024). Addressing Epistemic Exclusion through Inclusive Teaching Practices. Inclusive Teaching Academy, Notre Dame University.


Busch, C. A., Mohammed, T. F., Nadile, E. M., Witt, M. L., Vargas, C., Tran, M., ... & Cooper, K. M. (2023). Costs and benefits of undergraduates revealing depression to online science instructors. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 22(1), ar9. 

Eskew, L.R. & Dietz, L. (2023). Centers for Teaching & Learning Leading an Institution’s Assessment Narrative from “Necessary Evil” to “Hero’s Journey." [Conference Presentation]. Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE) Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Keys, J. (2023). Midlevel Administrators' Work with Department Chairs, Part 2: Supporting to Reduce Emotional Labor. The Department Chair, 34(1), 20-22.

Keys, J. & Gòkè-Pariolá, Abiódún “G-P.” (2023). A Holistic Vision of Faculty Excellence: Creating Sustainable Programming that Expands Community, Infrastructure, and Capacity. The Palgrave Handbook of Academic Professional Development Centers.

Nadile, E. M., Winton, M. R., Brownell, S. E., Cooper, K. M., & Collins, J. P. (2023b, June 25–30). Should I let my students answer questions? The instructor perceived motivation, costs, and benefits of inviting students to answer questions voluntarily in large science courses [Conference presentation]. Gordon Research Conference, Bates College, Lewiston, ME. United States. 

Nadile, E. M., Winton M. R., Zhao Z., Cooper K. M., Collins J. P. Should I let my students answer questions? The instructor perceived costs, and benefits of inviting students to answer questions voluntarily in large science courses [Conference presentation]. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) West, Irvine, United States. 

Womack, V.Y. (2023). Cultivating a Socially Conscious Classroom through Mindfulness. Chicago Inclusive Teaching Symposium, Chicago State University.  

Womack, V.Y. (2023). Best Practices for Engaged Teaching in a Large Classroom Setting, Columbia College.  

Womack, V. Y., Onyango, L., Campbell, P. B., & McGee, R. (2023). “In the back of my mind”: A Longitudinal Multiple Case Study Analysis of Successful Black Women Biomedical Graduate Students Navigating Gendered Racism. CBE—Life Sciences Education22(3), ar33.



Busch, C. A., Mohammed, T. F., Nadile, E. M., & Cooper, K. M. (2022). Aspects of online college science courses that alleviate and exacerbate undergraduate depression. PloS one, 17(6), e0269201. doi:

Doobay-Persaud, A., Solchanyk, D., Fleming, O., Patel, N., Drane, D., Hauser, J., Ogbenna, A. Palliative Care Challenges in Nigeria: A qualitative study of interprofessional perceptions, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (2022), doi:

Franklin, P.D., Drane, D., Wakschlag, L., Ackerman, R., Kho, A., Cella, D. Development of a learning health system science competency assessment to guide training and proficiency assessment. Learning Health Systems (2022), doi:

Mbugi, E.V., Hawkins, C.A., Hirschhorn, L.R., Kaaya, S., Christian, E.N., Anaeli, A., Balandya, E., Moshiro, C., Drane, D.L. Using Evidence-Based Pedagogical Approaches to Pivot from In-Person to Online Training in a D43 Program during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2022 Sep 12;107(4):948-955. doi:

Ogbenna, A., Drane, D., Crowe, A.N., Oyedele, O., Hauser, J., Soyannwo, O., Ogunseitan, A., Doobay-Persaud, A. Building the Nigerian Palliative Care Workforce: An Interdisciplinary Distance Learning Training Program. Annals of Global Health. 2022; 88(1): 96, 1–15. doi:

Watson-Singleton, N. N., Womack, V. Y., Holder-Dixon, A. R., & Black, A. R. (2022). Racism’s (un)worthiness trap: The mediating roles of self-compassion and self-coldness in the link between racism and distress in African Americans. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 28(4), 557–566.


Chesniak, O.M., Drane, D., Young, C., Hokanson, S.C., Goldberg, B.B. (2021). Theory of change models deepen online learning evaluation. Eval Program Plann. 2021 Oct; 88: 101945. doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2021.101945

Jones, M., Womack, V.Y., Jeremie-Brink, G., & Dickens, D. (2021). Gendered Racism and Mental Health among Young U.S. Black Women: The Moderating Roles of Gendered Racial Centrality and Identity Shifting. Sex Roles, 85, 221–231

Nadile, E. M., Alfonso, E., Barreiros, B. M., Bevan-Thomas, W. D., Brownell, S. E., Chin, M. R., ... & Cooper, K. M. (2021). Call on me! Undergraduates’ perceptions of voluntarily asking and answering questions in front of large-enrollment science classes. Plos one16(1), e0243731. doi:

Nadile, E. M., Williams, K. D., Wiesenthal, N. J., Stahlhut, K. N., Sinda, K. A., Sellas, C. F., ... & Cooper, K. M. (2021). Gender differences in student comfort voluntarily asking and answering questions in large-enrollment college science courses. Journal of microbiology & biology education22(2), 10-1128. doi:


Womack V.Y., Wood C.V., House S.C., Quinn S.C., Thomas S.B, McGee., Byars-Winston, A. (2020) Culturally aware mentorship: Lasting impacts of a novel intervention on academic administrators and faculty. PLOS ONE 15(8): e0236983

Womack, V. Y., Thakore, B. K., Wood, C. V., Jewett, D. C., Jones, R. F., Ingram, S. L., ... & McGee, R. (2020). The ASPET Mentoring Network: Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion through Career Coaching Groups within a Scientific Society. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 19(3), ar29.

Young, C.; Chesniak, O.M.; Drane, D.; Campa,III, H.; Green, N.; Greenler, R.; Maher, J.; McGee, R.; Nunez, A.; Goldberg, B.B.; Hokanson, S.C. (2020) “Improving the Design of an Online Course with Virtual Focus Group Feedback.” F1000 Research 9, 1191



Dickens, D., Womack, V. Y., & Dimes, T. (2019). Managing hypervisibility: An exploration of theory and research on identity shifting strategies in the workplace among Black women. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 113, 153-163.

Streitwieser, B., Bryant, F., Drane, D., & Light, G. (2019) Assessing student conceptions of international experience: Developing a validated survey instrument. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 68, 26-43.


Brace, J.L., Baiduc, R.R., Drane, D.L., Flores, L.C.; Beitel, G.J. & Lo, S.M. (2018). Design, implementation, and evaluation of a multi-disciplinary professional development program for research mentors. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in learning, 26:4, 377-399, DOI:10.1080/13611267.2018.1530101

Byars-Winston, A., Womack, V.Y., Butz, A.R., McGee, R., Quinn, S.C., Utzerath, E., Saetermoe, C., Thomas, S. (2018). Pilot study of an intervention to increase cultural awareness research mentoring: Implications for diversifying the scientific workforce. Journal of Clinical Translational Science, 2(2), 86-94.

Grannan, S. & Calkins, S. (2018). Creating a Culture for Evidence-Based Assessment of Learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2018 (155), 11-20

Kelley, M.R., Chapman-Orr, E.K., Calkins, S., & Lemke, R.J. (2018). Generation and retrieval practice effects in the classroom using PeerWise. Teaching of Psychology.

Streitwieser, B., Bryant, F., Drane, D., & Light, G. (2018). Assessing student conceptions of international experience: Developing a validated survey instrument. International Journal of Intercultural Relations.


Calkins, S., & Harris, M. (2017). Promoting critical reflection: An Evaluation of the longer-term impact of a substantial faculty development program. The Journal of Faculty Development, 31(2), 29-36.

Mordacq, M., Drane, D., Swarat, S., & Lo, S. (2017). Development of course-based undergraduate research experiences using a design-based approach. Journal of College Science Teaching, 46(4), 64-75.


Baiduc, R.R., Drane, D., Beitel, G.J., & Flores, L.C. (2016). A Research Preparatory Program for first year college students: Student selection and preparation leads to persistence in research. Innovative Higher Education, 1-16.

‌Basha, S., Drane, D., & Light, G. (2016). Adapting the Critical Thinking Assessment test for Palestinian universities. Journal of Education and Learning, 5(2) 60-72.

‌Chou, K., Moaveni, S., & Drane, D. (2016). Virtual steel connection sculpture: Learning assessment. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research 17(3) 5-13.

Micari, M., Van Winkle, Z., & Pazos, P. (2016). Among friends: The role of academic-preparedness diversity in individual performance within a small-group STEM learning environment. International Journal of Science Education, 38(12), 1904–1922. See publisher's website.

Streitwieser, B., & Light, G. (2016). The grand promise of global citizenship through study abroad: The student view. The local and the Global in Higher Education Internationalization: A crucial nexus. In Jones, E., Coelen, R., Beelen, R., & de Wit, H. (Eds.). (Series editor: Philip Altbach). Rotterdam. Sense Publishers.


Baiduc, R., Linsenmeier, R.A, & Ruggeri N. (2015). Mentored discussions of teaching: An introductory teaching development program for future STEM faculty. Innovative Higher Education, DOI: 10.1007/s107/s10755-015-9348-1.

Calkins, S., & Light, G. (2015). Conceptions of mentoring in formalized faculty relationships. Chapter in The Mentoring Continuum From Graduate School Through Tenure. Pp.93-112. Syracuse University Press.

Micari, M. & Pazos, P. (2015). Fitting in and feeling good: The relationships among peer alignment, faculty connectedness, and self-efficacy in undergraduate satisfaction with engineering. European Journal of Engineering Education. DOI: 10.1080/03043797.2015.1079814



Case, J., & Light, G. (2014). Framing qualitative methods in engineering education research: Established and emerging methodologies. In Johri, A., & Olds, B. (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Drane, D., Micari, M., & Light, G. (2014). Students as teachers: Effectiveness of a peer-led STEM learning program over 10 years. Educational Research and Evaluation. DOI 10.1080/13803611.2014.895388. See publisher's website.

Light, G., & Calkins, S. (2014). The experience of academic learning: Uneven conceptions of learning across research and teaching. Higher Education. (DOI) 10.1007/s10734-014-9779-0

Micari, M., & Pazos, P. (2014). Worrying about what others think: A social comparison–concern intervention in small learning groups. Active Learning in Higher Education, 15(3), 249–262. See publisher's website.


Cook, R., & Calkins, S. (2013). More than recall and opinion: Using clickers to promote complex thinking. Journal of Excellence in College Teaching, (24) 2.

Light, G., & Micari, M. (2013). Making scientists: Six principles for effective college teaching. Harvard University Press. 

Pazos, P., Chung, J., & Micari, M. (2013). Instant Messaging as a task-support tool in information technology organizations. Journal of Business Communication, 50(1), 68-86. Link to publisher website.


 Calkins, S., Johnson, N., & Light, G. (2012). Changing conceptions of teaching in medical faculty. Medical Teacher 34(11): 902-6.

Daragmeh, A.K., Drane, D., & Light, G. (2012). Needs assessment and beyond in the setup of centers for teaching and learning excellence: An-Najah university center as a case study. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 47 (2012), 841-847. See publisher's website.

Gerber, E., Olson, J. M. & Komarek, R. (2012). Extracurricular Design-Based Learning. International Journal of Engineering Education, 28, 2.

  • Liz Gerber (Mechanical Engineering, Segal Design Institute) was a 2009-2010 participant in the Centers Searle Fellows program).

Micari, M., & Pazos, P. (2012). Connecting to the professor: Impact of the student-faculty relationship in a highly challenging course. College Teaching, 60(2), 41-47. See publisher's website.

Streitwieser, B. (2012). Erasmus mobility and students' conceptions of national, regional and global citizenship identity. In J. Beelen & Wit (Eds.), Internationalisation revisited; New dimensions in the internationalisation of higher education, 135-150. Amsterdam: CAREM.

Swarat, S., Ortony, A., & Revelle, W. (2012). Activity matters: Understanding student interest in school science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 49(4), 515-537. See publisher's website.


Calkins, S., & Seidler A. (2011). Faculty perceptions of relevance in teaching and learning. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23(2), 215-225. See publisher's website.

Case, J. & Light, G. (2011). Emerging methodologies in engineering education research. Journal of Engineering Education, 100(1), 186–210. See publisher's website.

Hirsch, P.L., Dugan, S.W., Drane, D., Swarat, S., Park, E.J., & Chang, R.P.H. (2011). Adding nanoscience education to first-year engineering design courses to enrich student experience. Journal of Materials Education, 33(5-6): 229-254.

Micari, M., & Drane, D. (2011). Intimidation in small learning groups: The roles of social-comparison concern, comfort, and individual characteristics in student academic outcomes. Active Learning in Higher Education, 12, 175–187. See publisher's website.

Streitwieser, B., & Light, G. (2011). When undergraduates teach undergraduates: Conceptions of and approaches to teaching in a peer-led team learning intervention in the STEM disciplines: Results of a two year study. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 22(3), 346-356.

Swarat, S., Drane, D., & Light, G. (2011). Improving student understanding of "size and scale" through a variation theory approach. Proceedings of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference, Orlando, Fl.

Swarat, S., Light, G., Park, E.J., & Drane, D. (2011). A variation theory approach to develop learning progressions for engineering concepts. Proceedings of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium, Madrid, Spain.

Swarat, S., Light, G., Park, E-J., & Drane, D. (2011). A typology of undergraduate students' conceptions of size and scale: Identifying and characterizing conceptual variation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 18(5), 512-533. Online version available at


Ben-David Kolikant, Y., Drane, D., & Calkins, S. (2010). Clickers as catalysts for transformation of both students and teachers. College Teaching, 58(4), 127-135. See publisher's website

Calkins, S., & Drane, D. (2010). Engaging faculty in conversations about teaching through a research proposal workshop. To improve the Academy, (28), 265-277.

Calkins, S., & Micari, M. (2010). "Less-Than-Perfect Judges": Forty years of discourse on the value of students rating teachers in higher education. Thought and Action, 26, 7–22. See publisher's website.

Light, G. (2010). Advancing learning through teaching: A framework for sharing educational practice. The Education in Palliative and End-of-Life Care Project, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL

Light, G., Swarat, S., Streitwieser, B., & Drane, D. (2010). Research revisited as a learning and teaching exercise: An alternative approach to engage undergraduates and faculty in research. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Annual Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Lucas, G. M. (2010). Initiating student-teacher contact via personalized responses to one-minute papers. College Teaching. 58, 39-42.

  • Gale Lucas (Psychology) was a 2008–2009 participant in the Center's Graduate Teaching Certificate Program.

Micari, M., Knife Gould, A., & Lainez, L. (2010). Becoming a leader along the way: Embedding leadership training into a large-scale peer-learning program in the STEM disciplines. Journal of College Student Development, 51(2), 218-230. See publisher's website.

Micari, M., Pazos, P., Streitwieser, B., & Light, G. (2010). Small-group learning in undergraduate STEM disciplines: Effect of group type on student achievement. Educational Research and Evaluation, 16(3), 269-286.

Mwangi, E. M. (2010). Participatory deep learning in a diverse class on minority literatures. Multicultural Perspectives, 12(2), 91-96.

  • Evan Maina Mwangi (English) was a 2008-2009 participant in the Center's Searle Fellows Program.

Park, C. (2010). Acquisition of critical intraoperative event management skills in novice anesthesiology residents by using high-fidelity simulation-based training. Anesthesiology, 112(1): 202-211.

  • Christine Park (Anesthesiology) was a 2007-2008 participant in the Center's Searle Fellows Program. ‌

Park, E-J., & Light, G. (2010). Identifying a potential threshold concept in nanoscience and technology: Engaging theory in the service of practice. In J.H.F. Meyer, R. Land, & C. Bailie (Eds.), Threshold concepts and transformational learning. Rotterdam Sense Publishers.

Pazos, P., Micari, M., & Light, G. (2010). Developing an instrument to characterize peer-led groups in collaborative learning environments: Assessing problem-solving approach and group interaction. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 35(2), 191-208. See publisher's website.

Streitwieser, B., Light, G., & Pazos, P. (2010). Entering the community of practitioners: A science research workshop model. Change Magazine, May/June 2010, 17-23.

Swarat, S. (2010). Sources of interest in school science. Reports from middle school students. Academic Exchange Quarterly, Fall 2010.

Swarat, S. (2010). The effect of curricular elements on student interest in science. Proceedings of the International Conference in the Learning Sciences, Chicago, Illinois.



Adler, J.M. & Matthews, E.A. (2009). Encouraging epistemological exploration in the undergraduate psychology classroom: Impacts on retention and application of course material. Teaching of Psychology, 36(2), 122–125.

  • Jonathan Adler (Psychology) was a 2004–2006 participant in the Center's Graduate Teaching Certificate Program
  • Elizabeth Matthews (Neuroscience) was a 2005–2006 participant in the Center's Graduate Teaching Certificate Program

Bode, M., Drane, D., Ben-David Kolikant, Y., & Schuller, M. (2009). A clicker approach to teaching calculus. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 56(2), 253–256. See publisher's website.

‌Calkins, S., & Kelley, M.R. (2009). Who writes the past? Student perceptions of Wikipedia knowledge and credibility in a world history classroom. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 20, (3), 123-143. See publisher's website.

Calkins, S., & Light, G. (2009). University Teaching. In T.L. Good (Ed.), 21st Century Education: A Reference Handbook, Vol. 2. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Light, G., Calkins, S., Luna, M., & Drane, D. (2009). Assessing the impact of a year-long faculty development program on faculty approaches to teaching. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 20(2), 168–181.

Light, G., Cox, R., & Calkins, S. (2009). Teaching and learning in higher education: The reflective professional, 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

McAlpine, L., Amunsen, C., Clement, M., & Light, G. (2009). Rethinking our underlying assumptions about what we do and why we do it: Academic development as a case. Studies in Continuing Education, 31(3), 261–280. See publisher's website.

McKenna, A., Yalvac, B., & Light, G. (2009). The role of collaborative reflection on shaping engineering faculty teaching approaches. Journal of Engineering Education, 98(1), 17–26. See publisher's website.

Micari, M., & Light, G. (2009). Reliance to Independence: Approaches to learning in peer-led undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics workshops. International Journal of Science Education, 31(13), 1713–1741. See publisher's website.

Park, E-J., & Light, G. (2009). Identifying atomic structure as a threshold concept: Student mental models and troublesomeness. International Journal of Science Education, 31(2), 233–258. See publisher's website.

Park, E-J., Light, G., Swarat, S., & Drane, D. (2009). Enhancing Student awareness of conceptual variations in a key nanoscience concept: Conceptual change in an engineering course. Proceedings of the 2009 Research in Engineering Education Symposium, July 20–23, Queensland, Australia. 

Park, E-J., Light, G., Swarat, S., & Drane, D. (2009). Understanding learning progression in student conceptualization of atomic structure by variation theory for learning. Proceedings of the Learning Progressions in Science Conference, June 24–26, Iowa City, IA. See publisher's website

Park, E-J., Swarat, S., Light, G., & Drane, D. (2009). The impact of a teaching intervention for "Size and Scale" on conceptual variations. Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, April 17–21, Garden Grove, CA. 

Roglio, K., & Light, G. (2009). Executive MBA programs: The development of the reflective executive. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 8(2), 156–173. See publisher's website

Streitwieser, B. (2009). Undergraduate research during study abroad: Scope, meaning, and potential. In R. Lewin (Ed.), The handbook of practice and research in study abroad: Higher education and the quest for global citizenship. 

Swarat, S., Light, G., Park, E-J., & Drane, D. (2009). Progression through aspects of variation. An alternative approach to construct learning progression. Proceedings of the Learning Progressions in Science Conference, June 24–26, Iowa City, IA.

Swarat, S., Light, G., Park, E-J., & Drane, D. (2009). Unpacking student conceptions of surface area to volume ratio in the nanoscience context: An empirical application of the construct-centered design framework. Proceedings of the 2009 Research in Engineering Education Symposium, July 20–23, Queensland, Australia.

Wansom, S., Mason, T., Hersam, M., Drane, D., Light, G., Cormia, R., Stevens, S., & Bodner, G. (2009). A rubric for post-secondary degree programs in nanoscience and nanotechnology. International Journal of Engineering Education, 25(3), 615–627.


Aravamudan, N., Calkins, S., Schuller, M., & Rubel, D. (2008). Integrating teaching and technology: Facilitating student-centered teaching for graduate students at a research university. Journal of Graduate and Professional Student Development. 

Calkins, S., & Light, G. (2008). Promoting student-centered teaching through a project-based faculty development program. To Improve the Academy, 26(2), 217–229.

Light, G., & Calkins, S. (2008). The experience of faculty development: Patterns of variation in conceptions of teaching. International Journal for Academic Development, 13(1), 17–30. See the publisher's website.

Light, G. (2008). The puzzle of teaching in higher education: Implications for the structure of academic practice. Ideas on Teaching (Volume 6): Selected papers from TLHE 2006 — Quality in Higher Education, 253–6. Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning, National University of Singapore, Singapore. 

Park, E.-J., Swarat, S., & Light, G. (2008). Exploring variations in and developing typology for undergraduate students' conception of "size and scale". Proceedings of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Park, E-J., & Light, G. (2008). Exploring the troublesome nature of college student mental models of atomic structure: A bottom-up approach to identifying a threshold concept. Proceedings of the Threshold Concepts Conference, June 18–20, Queens University, Kingston, Canada. 

Park, E-J., & Light, G. (2008). Identifying threshold concepts in learning nano-science by using concept maps and students' responses to an open-ended survey. Proceedings of the Threshold Concepts Conference, June 18–20, Queens University, Kingston, Canada. 

Streitwieser, B., & Lys, F. (2008). Teaching the GDR and post reunification Germany: Issues, challenges and technology. Die Uterrichtspraxis–Teaching German, 134–143.


Barrett, J. (2007). The researcher as instrument: learning to conduct qualitative research through analyzing and interpreting a choral rehearsal. Music Education Research, 9(3), 417-433.

  • Janet Barrett (Music Education) was a 2005–2006 participant in the Center's Searle Fellows program.

Birol, G., McKenna, A.F., Smith, H.D., Giorgio, T., & Brophy, S. (2007). Development of challenge-based educational modules in the biotechnology domain. International Journal of Engineering Education, 23(1), 171–183. 

‌Calkins, S., & Kelley, M.R. (2007). Evaluating internet and scholarly sources across the disciplines: Two case studies. College Teaching, 55(4), 151–157. 

Calkins, S., & Light, G. (2007). Promoting student-centered teaching through a project-based faculty development program. To improve the academy, (26), Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA. 

Light, G., & Luna, M. (2007). Teaching teachers: Drawing on research to enhance faculty approaches to teaching. Proceedings of the Reinvention Center Conference: Transforming The Culture: Undergraduate Education and the Multiple Functions of the Research University, November 9, Washington DC. 

Light, G., Swarat, S., Park, E-J., Drane, D., Tevaarwerk, E., & Mason, T. (2007). Understanding undergraduate students' conceptions of a core nanoscience concept: "size and scale". Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Engineering Education, June 23–24, Honolulu, Hawaii. See Publishers Website

Micari, M., & Drane, D. (2007). Promoting success: Possible factors behind achievement of underrepresented students in a peer-led small group STEM workshop program. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 13(3), 279–293. See publisher's website

‌Micari, M., Light, G., Calkins, S., & Streitwieser, B. (2007). Assessment beyond performance: Phenomenography in educational evaluation. American Journal of Evaluation, 28(4), 458–476.

Micari, M., Pazos, P., & Hartmann, M. (2007). A matter of confidence: Gender differences in attitudes toward engaging in lab and course work in undergraduate engineering. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 13(3), 295–315. See publisher's website.

Pazos, P., Drane, D., Light, G., & Munkeby, A. (2007). A peer-led team learning program for freshmen engineering students: Impact on retention. Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Southeastern Section Conference.See Publishers website

Pazos, P., Linsenmeier, R., & Olds, S. (2007). Using technology to promote active learning in biomedical engineering. Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Southeastern Section Conference. See publisher's website

‌Streitwieser, B., & Leephaibul, R. (2007). Enhancing the study abroad experience through independent research in Germany. Die Unterrichtspraxis-Teaching German, 40(2), 164–170. 

Yalvac, B., Smith, H.D., Hirsch, P., & Birol,G. (2007). Teaching writing in a laboratory-based engineering course with a "How People Learn" framework. New Directions in Teaching and Learning, (108), 59–73. 

Yalvac, B., Smith, H.D.,Troy, J., & Hirsch, P. (2007). Promoting advanced writing skills in an upper-level engineering class. Journal of Engineering Education, 96(2), 117–128.


Birol, G., Liu, S., Smith, H.D., & Hirsch, P. (2006). Educational modules in tissue engineering based on the "How People Learn" framework. Bioscience Education E-Journal, 7.

‌Kelley, M.R., & Calkins, S. (2006). Evaluating popular portrayals of memory in film. Teaching of Psychology, 33, 191–194.

Light, G. (2006). The puzzle of teaching in higher education: Repositioning learning in academic practice, Keynote Address: Proceedings of the International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, December 6-9, National University of Singapore, Singapore. 


Calkins, S. (2005). World history as a meaningful diversity requirement. World History Connected: A Journal of Teaching and Learning, 3.

Calkins, S. & Kelley, M.R. (2005). Mentoring and the faculty-TA relationship: Faculty perceptions and practices. Mentoring & Tutoring, 13(2), 259–280. 

Drane, D., Smith, H.D., Light, G., Pinto, L., & Swarat, S. (2005). The Gateway Science Workshop program: Enhancing student performance and retention in the sciences through peer facilitated discussion. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 4(3), 227–352. See publisher's website

Fleming, V.M., Lipscomb, S., Light, G., & Nielsen, B. (2004). Teaching for learning with technology: A faculty development initiative at a research university. Studies on Education (Estudios sobre Educacion), 7, 7-20. 

Hersam, M.C., Luna, M., & Light, G. (2004). Implementation of interdisciplinary group learning and peer assessment in a nanotechnology engineering course. Journal of Engineering Education, 93, 49.

  • Mark Hersam (Materials Science) was a 2001–2002 participant in the Center's Searle Fellows program.

Hirsch, P., Linsenmeier, J., Smith, H.D. & Walker, J. (2005). Enhancing core competency learning in an integrated summer research experience for bioengineers. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(4), 391–401. 

Hirsch, P., Smith, H.D., Birol, G., Yalvac, B., Casler, J., Anderson, J., & Troy, J. (2005). Establishing schoolwide standards for engineering writing: A data-driven approach. Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. See publisher's website

Micari, M., Streitweiser, B., & Light, G. (2005). Undergraduates leading undergraduates: Peer facilitation in a science workshop program. Innovative Higher Education, 30(4), 269–288. See publisher's website

Munkeby, A., Drane, D., & Light, G. (2005). Supporting innovative freshman study: The engineering workshop program at Northwestern University. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, Portland, Oregon. 



Streitwieser, B. (2004). Local reactions to imposed transfer: The case of eastern Berlin secondary school teachers. In G. Steiner-Khamsi (Ed.), The global politics of educational borrowing and lending. New York: Teachers College Press.

Swarat, S., Drane, D., Smith, H.D., Light, G., & Pinto, L. (2004). Opening the gateway: Increasing student retention in introductory science courses. Journal of College Science Teaching, 34(1), 18–23.

Troy, J., Hirsch, P., Smith, H.D. & Yalvac, B. (2004). Team-based written communication exercises for biomedical engineering juniors: Where to do it and what works. Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.


Kanter, D., Smith, H.D., McKenna, A., Rieger, C. & Linsenmeier, R. (2003). Inquiry-based laboratory instruction throws out the "cookbook" and improves learning. Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Conference & Exposition.

Light, G. (2003). Realizing academic development: Embedding teaching practice in the practice of research, in Macdonald R. and Eggins, H. (eds.), The scholarship of Academic Development, London: Open University Press.


Birol, G., McKenna, A., Smith, H.D., Giorgio, T. & Brophy, S. (2002). Integration of "How People Learn" framework into educational module development and implementation in biotechnology. Proceedings of the Second Joint EMBS-BMES Conference (CD-ROM, Omnipress): 2640–2641.

Giorgio, T., Brophy, S., Birol, G., McKenna, A., & Smith, H.D. (2002). Assessment of educational modules based on the "How People Learn" framework delivered to biotechnology learners at two universities. Proceedings of the Second Joint EMBS-BMES Conference (CD-ROM, Omnipress): 2642–2643.

Light, G. (2002). From the personal to the public: Student conceptions of creative writing in higher education. International Journal of Higher Education and Educational Planning, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 43(2), 257–276. See publisher's website

Streitwieser, B. (2002). "Nicht vom Tisch wischen!" Lehrerinnen ud Lehrer aus Prenzlauer Berg uber ihre Erfahrungen und Eindrucke vor und nach der politischen Wende 1989/1990 ("Don't dismiss us!" Teachers from Prenzlauer Berg speak about their experiences and impressions before and after the political transformation in 1998/1990). In Prenzlauer Berg Museum (Hrsg.) Schule zwischen gestern und morgen: Beltrage zur Schulgeschichte von Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin (Schooling caught between yesterday and tomorrow: Essays on the history of schooling in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin). Berlin: Prenzlauer Berg Museum fur Haimatgeschichte und Stadtkultur. Hohengehren: Schneider Verlag. (In German.)


Light G., & Cox, R. (2001). Learning and teaching in higher education: The reflective professional, London: Paul Chapman Ltd. (Sage Publications).

Streitwieser, B. (2001). Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Schulwesen der Vereinigten Staaten von America. In H. Doebert und C. Ernst (Hrsg.). Basiswissen Paedagogik-Aktuelle Schulkonzepte, Band 4, Schulen mit Besonderem Profil. Hohengehren: Schneider Verlag. (In German.) 


Light, G. (2000). Lifelong learning: Challenging learning and teaching in higher education in Hodgson, A.(ed), Policies, Politics and the Future of Lifelong Learning, London: Kogan Page.

Streitwieser, B. (2000). Memory and judgement: How East Berlin schools and teachers have been regarded in the post-reunification decade. In D. Philips (Series Ed.), Oxford Studies in Comparative Education: Education in Germany Since Unification. Oxford, England: Symposium Books.

Streitwieser, B. (2000). Pedagogical challenges in Post-Wende East Germany. In T. Mebrahtu, M. Crossley & D. Johnson (Eds.). Globalisation, Educational Transformation and Societies in Transition. London: Symposium Books, 81–98.