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Academic Kickoff

The Academic Kickoff features interactive sessions designed to facilitate graduate student and postdoc transitions to teaching roles at Northwestern University. 

Registration for the next Academic Kickoff opens July 2025.


The Academic Kickoff provides first-time TAs and grad student and postdoc instructors opportunities to learn about and explore institutional knowledge to prepare for the first day of classes! Participants are invited to attend a variety of interactive sessions throughout the day facilitated by campus partners and experienced graduate student instructors known as Kickoff Session Leaders. Each session is grounded in evidence-based pedagogical practices. Participants will also have plenty of opportunities to informally socialize during morning coffee, intentional breaks and lunch. The event is held in the Norris University Center on the Evanston campus.


The Academic Kickoff aims to

  • Introduce graduate students and postdocs to evidence-based teaching practices.
  • Raise awareness of campus resources via sessions hosted by campus partners to help you to connect to key offices and learn more about our invited speakers.
  • Start conversations about Sparking Student Curiosity & Engagement, Providing Constructive Student Feedback, Managing Interpersonal Dynamics in Peer-Developed and Facilitated Workshops.
  • Begin to build community and a network of support around learning and teaching.


All graduate students and postdoctoral scholars who will be TAing or teaching for the first time in the upcoming quarters are welcomed and encouraged to join us!

Time Commitment

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM 


Check back in July 2025 to register for the 2025 Academic Kickoff. 

Academic Kickoff Schedule and Resources

Contact Us

Joshua Watson, Assistant Director of Engaged Learning